November 20, 2013
Often patients believe that a full gold crown is better or less expensive than a porcelain/ceramic crown, but this is not always the case. Often there are specific reasons that our dentists will recommend a full gold crown instead of a porcelain/ceramic crown. Read on to learn more about the differences between these two crowns. A crown is a dental restoration that covers the tooth when the tooth has been damaged too much to be repaired using a filling, onlay, or inlay.
At our office, our porcelain/ceramic crowns are created using our CEREC milling machine. We use IPS e.max blocks when milling your crown because this ceramic is strong, durable and can be matched to your tooth color through staining and glazing. The IPS e.max is a lithium disilicate glass ceramic.
Our Evanston dentists recommend porcelain/ceramic crowns for most restorations. The advances in dental ceramics have created more durable crowns which last longer while still looking like your natural teeth.
A full gold crown, as the name suggests, is made using an alloy (or mixture) of metals which is at least 40% gold. Common components in a full gold crown can include platinum, palladium, silver, copper and tin. A full gold crown is usually recommended for a person who is a heavy grinder. Our dentists will also recommend a full gold crown when aesthetics are not a concern and there is another gold crown opposing the tooth that needs the crown.
Another thing to take note of: when comparing a full gold crown and porcelain/ceramic crowns is that a full gold crown takes two appointments two weeks apart. On the other hand, a porcelain/ceramic crown can be completed in just one visit. Our dentists want to make sure that you get the treatment you need, but are able to have more time to do what you enjoy doing.
Due to recent advancements in dental porcelain and ceramics, there is no reason not to get a tooth colored restoration. Porcelain/ceramic crowns have advanced and are now lasting as long as full gold crowns and the cost is comparable. Call our Evanston dental office to find out how to get a porcelain/ceramic crown in just one visit!
The post Porcelain/Ceramic Crown vs. Full Gold Crown appeared first on Stephens Dentistry.
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